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Low Testosterone in Males: Ottawa Fertility Natural Treatments

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Low Testosterone natural treatments in Ottawa, ON can help to support optimal hormone production and function. Testosterone production can decline normally with age, in fact by the age of 45 it is estimated that about 40% of males will have hypogonadism (decreased testosterone levels). However, in many cases it can be the result of a health problem.


The health consequences of low testosterone, especially starting at an early age, are vast. It has been observed to possible increase the risk of diabetes, dementia, osteoporosis mood disorders, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and hypertension. It can also lead to a decrease in libido, erectile dysfunction, reduced muscle mass and reduced strength. 


Common Causes for Low Testosterone


Low Testosterone can be defined as a primary issue (the issue is in the testis) or secondary issue (there is an issue in the hormone production from the pituitary/hypothalamus glands). It is also possible to see mixed issues (showing signs of primary and secondary issues).


1. Genetics: There are a few genetic issues which can lead to low testosterone. Conditions included in this are: congenital anorchidism (testes did not develop in-utero), Klinefelter syndrome (there is an extra X chromosome), kallmann's syndrome (lack of hormone production from brain - accompanied by a lack of a sense of smell), and prader-willi syndrome.


2. Auto-Immune Conditions: the development of anti-leydig cell antibodies destroys the cells in the testes responsible for producing testosterone.


3. Exposure: exposure to toxic compounds can significantly affect the production of testosterone from the gonads. Exposure to radiation treatments, chronic alcohol abuse, and specific medications (corticosteroids for example) can reduce the testosterone producing capacity of the testes.


4. Trauma: Trauma to either the head or the gonads can hamper the hormone production of the gland affected and lead to a detectable decrease in testosterone levels in the body. 


5. Health Conditions: having other conditions can also significantly affect the testosterone production. This includes diabetes, liver disease, sickle cell disease, a tumour of the pituitary gland, a history of cryptorchidism, a history of mumps infection that affected the testes, elevated prolactin hormone, and chronic infections (HIV for example).

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Treatment Options for Low Testosterone


1. Fertility Acupuncture: Fertility acupuncture has been shown to help improve production of â€‹sperm cells. This can be a valuable treatment option for patients with low testosterone trying to conceive.


2. Clinical Nutritional Supplements: Specific nutritional supplements have been studied and shown to help improve the production of testosterone from the testes. It provides the necessary cofactors and enzyme to support healthy hormone production.


3. Diet & Lifestyle: The dietary and lifestyle choices we make can also significantly affect our body's hormone production. Particularly specific types of exercise and dietary habits can help support healthy testosterone production.


4. Botanical Medicine: herbal remedies can also stimulate the production of the hormones from the pituitary gland, which can help support healthy testosterone production as well.

Father and Daughter

Types of Hypogonadism (low Testosterone) in Males


Primary Hypogonadism: is the result of decreased Testosterone production from the testes directly. This can occur for a variety of health reasons. 


  • A rare cause is congenital anorchidism where a patient that has XY sex chromosomes but is born without testes

  • Cryptorchidism: is when the testicle is not found within the scrotum. It can occur bilaterally or unilaterally. The testicle may have not descended from the abdominal cavity or may by found along the inguinal canal

  • Mumps Orchitis: a viral or bacterial infection that affects the testes and leads to inflammation of the organ. The inflammation can lead to infertility and affect sperm parameters as well as testosterone production in the future

  • Genetic conditions: which affect the production of testosterone from the testes. Conditions include klinefelter syndrome, or issues with the androgen receptor 

  • Sertoli cell only syndrome: where Leydig cells appear to be absent in the testes. Sertoli cells nurture immature sperm cells only, and as a result no sperm cells are found in the seminiferous tubules and the patient would have azoospermia (absence of sperm cells)

  • Trauma: to the testes can negatively impact the production of testosterone and sperm cells

  • Autoimmune condition: anti-leydig cell disorder where the immune system targets the Leydig cells in the testes. Leydig cells are required to produce androgen hormones (including testosterone) 


Secondary Hypogonadism: is decreased testosterone production as a result of a health condition that impacts proper functioning of the hypothalamus or pituitary glands in the brain.


  • Genetic conditions: including kallmann’s syndrome (lack of sense of smell and absent production of Gonadotropin releasing hormone from the hypothalamus gland) and prader-willi syndrome (patients affected with hyperphagia - constant sense of hunger, underdeveloped reproductive organs, weak muscle tone, poor growth, cognitive impairment, delayed motor development, and significant weight gain)

  • Pituitary tumours, growth, or abscesses can negatively impact the production to LH and FSH hormones, which reduce the production of testosterone from the testes

  • Hyperprolactinemia: elevated production of prolactin hormones from the pituitary gland, which suppresses the production of LH and FSH hormones and as a result declining testosterone levels from the testicles 

  • Cranial Trauma: such as repeat concussions can negatively alter functioning of the pituitary and hypothalamic glands and result in low testosterone levels

  • Radiation treatment: can also impact the proper functioning of the pituitary and hypothalamic glands, impacting their hormone production and therefore leading to low testosterone levels 

  • Iatrogenic: the low testosterone is the result of a medical treatment, such as, medications. Various medications have been shown to reduce testosterone production and affect sperm production. Many common medications, including some blood pressure medications are capable of doing this. It is important to review this during your initial consultation to see if this could be contributing to the low testosterone levels, in which case you can discuss with your healthcare provider for other alternatives if possible 


Combined Primary & Secondary Hypogonadism: Medical conditions which impact the healthy functioning of testes, hypothalamus, and pituitary glands


  • Alcohol abuse: can negatively impact the production of testosterone and sperm production

  • Age: with greater age the production of testosterone can decline 

  • Corticosteroid therapies: while necessary and life-saving when needed, they can also decrease the production of androgen hormones

  • Chronic infections: such as HIV can also lead to decreased testosterone production

  • Hemochromatosis: is an abnormal increase in the iron levels in the blood, which negatively impacts the hormone production from various endocrine glands, including the testes

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